How to hack WiFi password
Chances are you have a Wi-Fi network at home, or live close to one (or more) that tantalizingly pops up in a list whenever you boot up the laptop.
Now a days all of us wifi daily and most of sudden we forgot their passwords.
All the most we felt in these problems and we try to search the way to fix it or solve it and we moreover sometimes we in the process of solving it , create many problems and now her you are going to know a very simple method to do it
So, let us start with our todays topic and that is How to hack WiFi password very easily.
Let us begin.
In the very first we start with opening the Cmd( command prompt). After opening it you have to type only two simple commands. The first one is as -
netsh wlan show profile
As you can see in the given or the above image that there is the result of typing the command. You will see the local wifi .
After this there are two ways.
Now type the following command
netsh wlan export profile folder=c:\ key=clear
As you can see in the given picture or image as the same result will be shown. If you have to know the password there would be a .XML file of all the wifi and in this there will be the password .
And if you will open this there will something as "Key Content " and if you use this as the password the wifi would be open .
And the second way is as follow -
netsh show wlan profile name = 11111 key=clear
You have to type this .
So, here,s how to hack a wifi .
Now you all have known how to hack a wifi.