What is a Mega pixel ?
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In every camera  the last component  after the lens and etc. there is a sensor. In this image sensor there  is a arrangement of many pixels and this collection of  millions of pixels is called mega pixel. Every individual pixel is capable of  capturing data. When we click  a photo , every pixels captures that place light and  the information like colour, contrast and store it. when all the individual pixels combine we can see a full image. The pixels are arranged in such way-

* 1 Megapixel = 1 million pixels.
* 1 Megapixel = 1152*864(resolution)

Pixel - Wikipedia

The quality of an image does not depend on pixels completely. For example- If we take two phones with the same sensor size and  let that phone A has 12 MP camera and phone B has 20 MP camera.Then as compared to phone B phone A has more big pixels. Since the pixels of phone A is more big  than phone B . Therefore the pixels of phone A will capture the data more efficiently.

Now, if we compare a  DSLR and a smartphone, than as compared to the smartphone the DSLR has much bigger sensor and so its individual pixels are huge and capture the data very widely. So, the image captured by a DSLR is much good as compared to a smart phone.

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* But , the  zoom quality means that at what extent the picture is clear on zooming depends upon the number of pixels.

zoomed - 9to5Mac

So,this was the concept of megapixels.

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