First photo of the massive Black whole-

A black whole is a region of space  where gravity is so strong  that no particles or even  electromagnetic radiation can  such as light  can escape from it .
But, do you know that before 2019 there was no such  image of black whole that proves that black whole exists.But, on April 10, 2019 the first direct image of a black whole and its vicinity was published. This observation was made by an international network of radio telescopes called the Event Horizon Telescope.
By using this telescope  the scientists observed an image of the black whole  at the center of galaxy M87, outlined by emission from hot gas  swirling around it under the influence of strong gravity near its event horizon.
Black hole image

Hayabusa-2  lands on  The Ryugu-
Japanese space agency JAXA had launched Hayabusa-2  in december , 2014  and  it lands on the surface of an  asteroid called The Ryugu  that is over 5.5 millions from earth . Ryugu  is a carbon-rich rock that could hold the clues of the history of the solar system
Japanese Spacecraft Lands on Asteroid, Gathers Subsurface Material

 Voyager crossed the solar system-
Since, today no spacecraft has crossed the solar system  but voyager  owns this achievement . Its speed is about 57890 km/hr. It was lauched in August 20,1977 . In its 42 years travel  , it has travelled a distance of 1800 crore kms and it is heading towards the dark universe by crossing the solar system.
Image result for image of voyager 2

Super Earth-
In september 2019 , our scientists had discovered a planet named K2-18B which is similar to earth. It is in the habitable zone . There is much possibility of life on this planet. there is also the possibility of alien life on this planet . This is the first which has its atmostphere and water. It is situated out of our solar system.
Welcome to K2-18b, Our Neighboring Celestial Oasis | Latest ...

So, these were some important inventions .

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